Monday, January 24, 2011

Confession #1: I'm a Glutton

So I'm pretty much a huge glutton. But I've known this. I love to cook, and I love moreso to eat. And I find great comfort in food. Much of the time I know I eat too much, and I have a weakness for sweets, but I justify it that I stay in fairly good shape. Yet I know it has a hold on me.
So I decided to fast, for many reasons. One, to seek the Lord. Two, to put my physical desires in check. So I guess that's just two reasons...
BUT they're two reasons that are important to me right now. I've never felt like I've had a strong spiritual life. I've never had a consistent prayer life, nor a consistent daily time spent in the Word and in study. But I am maturing in my faith. These things are coming along veeeery gradually. And I believe fasting will put my desires moreso in check, and strengthen my relationship with God.
But it's been crazy hard. I ate lunch today, then started the fast. Simply one meal so far, and I've barely made it. Delicious food everywhere, and we have an amazing chocolate cake in the fridge. Food is a crazy strong temptation for me. This short fast is definitely doing its job. I'm constantly reminded by my "hunger" and my terribly strong desire to eat, of my finiteness, my weakness, and God is on the forefront of my mind. Prayer and my relationship with Christ has been on my mind ever since I stopped eating, even when I wasn't feeling hungry.
So fasting should become a regular thing in my life. I believe it has many benefits, mostly spiritual, and I could sure use that.
Anywho, I'm still terrible at blogging, so adios!

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